Seasonal Cycles

I’ve always found it difficult to pinpoint my favourite season, and I think it is because I appreciate the seasonal cycle itself more than any particular one. I feel lucky to live in a place where spring is moist and full of blossoms, summer is hot and sunny, and fall is crisp and clear. Winter hereContinue reading “Seasonal Cycles”

Safe Places

We all need places where we can hide away and restore ourselves to our natural equilibrium when events become overwhelming. The cat loves this little hut as a quiet and dark place to hide away from us humans and the commotion of our lives. Simple shapes like standing, sitting, lying down, or kneeling with theContinue reading “Safe Places”


The time we spend shifting between two states deserves as much care and attention as the time we spend in the states themselves. When a cat transitions from wakefulness into sleep she allows as much time as needed to find the right spot, ‘knead’ her little paws into the sleeping surface, and curl up into aContinue reading “Transitions”

Do Nothing

I have a tendency to worry about what I should be doing, what I need to do next, and what I should have already done. What if it is sometimes best to just do nothing? To let breath pass through my body? To allow the minutes to tick by unfilled? To see what I seeContinue reading “Do Nothing”